First energy self-sufficient cable car thanks to PV


With this project, those responsible are setting a pioneering example in terms of sustainability and environmental protection in cable car operation and providing proof that cable car operation is energy self-sufficient and can contribute to the reduction of CO2.

SYNECOTEC was commissioned with the planning and construction of the ground-mounted PV system and the installation of a battery storage system, making the Zwölferhorn cable car the world's first energy self-sufficient cable car.

To interfere with nature as little as possible, the PV panels are not mounted on concrete foundations as usual, but on steel piles that are two and a half metres deep in the ground. The 804 kWp project was realised on the southern slope of the mountain station and presented several challenges. On the one hand, mounting the glass-glass modules on the prepared PV tables on the 35° steep slope required surefootedness, alpine experience and creative solutions. Secondly, the fitters had to contend with difficult weather conditions such as snowfall, strong winds and dense fog, which led to repeated safety-related work interruptions. In addition, the limited space on the mountainside for installation posed a major challenge for Synecotec. The team overcame these challenges with creative solutions and continuous adjustments to the planning and construction process.


To successfully overcome the geographical challenges of this project, an experienced and highly motivated team of fitters and project managers was crucial. A wooden platform was erected for the interim storage and assembly of the modules, and a special rail system was developed on the PV tables to facilitate the transport of the modules. This not only protected the material, but also avoided accidents and health hazards caused by carrying the modules up the steep slope.

The lack of space on the mountain was successfully solved by an interim storage facility in the valley, needs-based delivery to the construction site at 1,500 metres above sea level and close cooperation with a local logistics partner.

All companies involved in the construction worked together in an innovative and future-orientated manner to create a plant that enables sustainable regional energy production on a large scale and at the same time is optimally embedded in nature, so that the enjoyment of nature on the Zwölferhorn remains unspoilt. As the solar power plant on the Hörndl generates more electricity than is needed to operate the cable car, a battery storage system was developed for the surplus electricity, which provides additional relief for the electricity grids.


Zwölferhorn-Seilbahn GmbH

Type of building

Open space PV plant and battery


Key Facts

  • Modules: Trina Solar Energy Glas-Glas-Module (1.848 pieces)
  • Capacity: 804 kWp
  • Energy production: 835.900 kWh per year
  • CO2- savings: 190 t per year
  • Year of realisation: 2024
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