Tramm and Lewitzrand



The European energy transition requires large-scale open space projects in the field of solar energy. Luxcara, an independent asset manager for renewable energy and infrastructure investments, selected BELECTRIC to help advance the energy revolution with a major project. BELECTRIC set out to develop and construct a 172-MW solar farm near Tramm in the North of Germany. The plant was built without Renewable Energy Act (EEG) funding. Instead, the generated power is sold under a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA). While large-scale PPA projects are always a challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the project were just as challenging. Materials were in short supply on a regular basis. But the BELECTRIC team stayed persistent and completed the project ahead of time.


After only about a year of construction work, 420,000 solar panels have been installed on an area approximately as big as 350 soccer fields. The new solar power plant now delivers enough electricity to supply the equivalent of around 18,000 homes in a climate friendly manner. BELECTRIC was responsible for the development and construction of the 172 MWp project and now also takes care of operations and maintenance (O&M). Furthermore, BELECTRIC paid close attention to the nature friendly implementation of the solar park. Numerous compensatory measures on site have been installed to conserve nature and protect local species. This not only includes wildflower meadows and water areas for frogs but also dense hedges and plantings that provide favorable living conditions for insects and birds. Therefore, Tramm-Göthen unites environmentally-friendly energy production with the protection of natural habitats.


Tramm and Lewitzrand

The municipalities of Tramm and Lewitzrand


Key Facts

  • One of Germany’s largest, independent PV power plants
  • Nominal capacity of 172 MWp
  • Supplies the equivalent of 50,000 households with green electricity
  • Size of 2.480.000 square metres, approximately 350 soccer fields big
  • 420.000 solar modules installed on more than 5300 module tables
  • Overall responsibility of BELECTRIC for project development, construction and operation of the solar park
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