

The Elevion Group offers you an apprenticeship in the following professions:

The Elevion Group | Germany is the solution provider for all tasks related to the intelligent use of energy. And we provide training in all areas of these future tasks! Whether in the commercial area, in planning or engineering, whether in the construction or operation of plants - you will learn to shape and secure the future with us. In the following, we have listed all training opportunities at Elevion Group | Germany for you. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Electronics technician (m/f/d) with specialization:
• Information & telecommunications Technology
• Energy & building technology
• Machinery & drive technology
• Operating technology
• Automation technology
Mechatronics technician (m/f/d) with specialization:
• Cooling technology
Equipment mechanic (m/f/d) with specialization:
• Sanitary, heating & air conditioning technology
Industrial electrician (m/f/d) for operating technology
Warehouse clerk (m/f/d)
Industrial clerks (m/f/d)
Technical system planner (m/f/d) with specializations:
• Electrical engineering
• Supply & equipment engineering
Technical illustrator (m/f/d)
Management assistants for office management (m/f/d) with specializations:
• Assistance & secretary
• Order control & coordination
• Procurement & logistics
• Human resources
IT specialist (m/f/d) with specializations:
• Application development
• System integration
Dual study programs

Have you found your dream job or do you still have questions? One click will take you to the Elevion Group | Germany job portal, where you'll find all the information and contacts you need.

Dual study programs

We cooperate with the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and with this course in Computer Science dual B.Sc. a. More information can be found here: https://h-da.de/studium/studienangebot/duales-studienangebot/ and under http://www.dualesstudium-hessen.de/

The career check: "Electronics technician for building and energy technology

The electronics technician for building and energy technology designs, builds, operates and maintains the energy and data future. The field of activity includes areas such as drive, control or regulating devices in energy supply or energy management of industrial buildings and technical plants. Data and communication technology, decentralized energy supply systems, measurements of electrical variables or tests of parameters - the tasks are complex and the prospects for the future are excellent.

The latest industry film from the Bundesindustrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung e.V. (BTGA) shows the job and career opportunities in the TGA industry. We are constantly looking for young people who would like to start their professional career with an apprenticeship at the Elevion Group.

Not found the job you are looking for? Feel free to contact us

Judith Lipski
Head of Human Resource Management

Make an appointment and come to Elevion for individual education and future counseling:

Tel.: +49 (0) 3641 2934-110